Student Dress Code
The dress code at Martin Luther King, Jr. K-6 School has been developed to set a standard that is considered appropriate for a K-6 learning environment. All students are expected to be neat and clean and to wear apparel that is appropriate in a K-6 setting.
The following are not considered appropriate at Martin Luther King, Jr. K-6 School.
- No bare feet, open toed, open heeled, strapless shoes.
Students should dress to allow for participation in ALL activities, including physical education and recess.
- Leggings may only be worn under shorts or dresses. They may not be worn as pants.
- Hats are to be worn with the brim or bill facing toward the front. Hats are to be removed while indoors. Hoods must also be off the head when indoors.
- Tops/shirts must cover the upper body including the belly button and back.
- Spaghetti straps, mesh shirts, half shirts, open back dresses/shirts will not be allowed.
- T-shirts must be worn under sport tanks, such as basketball jerseys. No undershirts should be worn as outer wear.
- No pajamas
- No excessive baggy, sagging, torn or tattered pants or shorts are allowed at school. School personnel will determine what is considered inappropriately sized clothing.
- Shorts must be hemmed and below the child’s fingertips with hands extended at the sides (the same is true for skirts and /or dresses; girls wearing relatively short skirts and dresses should wear shorts as well.
- Clothing advertising violence, drugs, alcohol, racial remarks, profanity, gangs (gang colors) will NOT be allowed.
- Any staff member may hold a student accountable for adherence to the dress code.
Students dressed inappropriately will be sent to the office to change or the student’s parent/guardian will be called and asked to bring a more appropriate set of clothing. Should a parent/guardian not be accessible, the office staff has a limited supply of clothing that the student can wear. Please keep in mind that we are trying to create an environment that promotes learning and need your support.