Parent Teacher Association
Parent Teacher Association
About the MLK Suns PTA
Anyone that desires the best elementary school experience for MLK students is invited to join the MLK Suns PTA!
The PTA will accomplish our mission to help all of our MLK Suns Shine by fundraising to give back to our school and organizing events to build community and positive experiences for MLK students.
We love volunteers but there is no obligation for PTA members to volunteer or attend meetings.
What does the PTA do?
Our main focus is providing enrichment programs for the students and parents, as well as, to provide support for the teachers at Martin Luther King Jr.
Here are some ways PTA enriches your child’s life:
- Fun, interesting, and informative assemblies
- Technology support
- Field trip support
- Site improvement
- Classroom and janitorial supplies
I don’t have time to get involved
You can pick the level of involvement that meets your schedule and needs. It doesn’t take much to make a difference. Joining our PTA is a great first step that is greatly appreciated.
2024-25 PTA Board Members
President – Macie Young
VP- Amy Harbridge
Treasurer – Devin Lavelle
Secretary- Sarah Poss
Historian- Elisha Phillips
Membership Chair- Amanda Kitaura
Events Chair- Nicole LeBlanc
Fudraising Chair- Cindy Rodriguez